le 15 mars 2024
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Publié le 6 mars 2024 Mis à jour le 6 mars 2024

Liberalism and Conservatism at a Crossroads: Exploring the Notion of Society and the Individual (19th-21st centuries)

Séminaire Liberalism and Conservatism avec la présence de Peter Dorey
Séminaire Liberalism and Conservatism avec la présence de Peter Dorey
La prochaine séance du séminaire "Liberalism and Conservatism at a Crossroads: Exploring the Notion of Society and the Individual  (19th-21st centuries)", organisé par les laboratoires AGORA (CY Cergy Paris Université), CIRLEP (Université de Reims), ICD (Université de Tours) et REGARD (Université de Reims) aura lieu :

Le vendredi 15 mars de 14h à 15h30 dans les locaux parisiens de CY Cergy Paris Université :

CY EPPS (92 rue Notre Dame des Champs, Paris 6e), salle PICASSO.
Nous aurons le plaisir de recevoir Prof. Peter Dorey (School of Law and Politics, Cardiff University)
pour une présentation de son ouvrage : Thatcherism: a short history, London : Agenda Publishing, 2023

"Margaret Thatcher, prime minister between 1979 and 1990, was and continues to be a hugely divisive figure in Britain. Her influence on British politics has long outlived her, with the Conservative Party becoming steadily more Thatcherite than it was under her leadership, especially on economic issues. Policies that support privatization, curbs on trade unions and employment rights (to promote further labour market flexibility), reduction in welfare provision, the replacement of collectivism with individualism, and the marketization of public services, including the NHS and education, are all Thatcherism in practice, and still continue today.

Peter Dorey offers a lively analysis of how Thatcherism became an ideology for politics to conjure with, its relationship with its eponymous leader and with the Conservative Party, as well as the long-term implications for the British people. He argues that the radical modernization of Britain that started under Thatcher’s leadership in the 1980s has created the conditions that have led to the polarization of British society today; a process that was profoundly unconservative in its values and approach, destabilizing institutions which Conservatives once deemed sacrosanct, and replacing continuity and solidity with constant change and competition."

La présentation sera suivie d'un débat lancé par le discutant MCF Stéphane Porion (Faculté de Lettres et Langues, Université de Tours).

Vous pourrez aussi nous suivre sur Teams : https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YTUxNzEyZDYtMDZlZS00YTk2LTg2MTEtOThiMmExZTkzYTg1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2216150599-ebb0-4fcf-94a5-6010823c7bd5%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22959d308a-b2f9-4abb-a78e-08d6c225e4e5%22%7d

Un enregistrement sera effectué et mis en ligne.

Toutes les interventions du séminaire 2022-2023 et 2023-2024 sont à retrouver sur la chaine YouTube du laboratoire AGORA: https://www.youtube.com/@laboratoireagora5949/videos
Catherine Marshall : catherine.marshall@cyu.fr