Séminaire du 05/04/2024 - en présence de Laurence Harris - Liberalism and Conservatism at a Crossroads: Exploring the Notion of Society and the Individual (19th-21st centuries)
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Séminaire du 05/04/2024 - en présence de Laurence Harris - Liberalism and Conservatism at a Crossroads: Exploring the Notion of Society and the Individual (19th-21st centuries)
"Britain's relationship with finance: from Bagehot to Brexit and bowler hats to blockchain - how a blend of conservatism and liberalism has shaped British society through its financial sector"
La séance du séminaire "Liberalism and Conservatism at a Crossroads: Exploring the Notion of Society and the Individual (19th-21st centuries)" organisé par les laboratoires AGORA (CY Cergy Paris Université), CIRLEP (Université de Reims), ICD (Université de Tours) et REGARD (Université de Reims) a eu lieu :
Le vendredi 5 avril 2024 de 14h à 15h30 dans les locaux parisiens de CY Cergy Paris Université à : CY EPPS (92 rue Notre Dame des Champs, Paris 6e), salle PICASSO.
Nous avons eu le plaisir de recevoir Laurence Harris (Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle) pour une présentation intitulée : "Britain's relationship with finance: from Bagehot to Brexit and bowler hats to blockchain - how a blend of conservatism and liberalism has shaped British society through its financial sector"
"This presentation will consider the distinctive features of the UK financial system from the origins of the City and mutual societies to international exchanges, crypto-assets, ever-changing technology and complex financial instruments. The history of UK finance provides an insight into the workings of British society, politics, economics, and institutions where a unique blend of conservatism and liberalism continues to shape all parts of the UK."