Publié le 15 janvier 2024–Mis à jour le 15 janvier 2024
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Séminaire du 12/01/2024 - en présence de Agnès Alexandre-Collier - Liberalism and Conservatism at a Crossroads: Exploring the Notion of Society and the Individual (19th-21st centuries)
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Séminaire du 12/01/2024 - en présence de Agnès Alexandre-Collier- Liberalism and Conservatism at a Crossroads: Exploring the Notion of Society and the Individual (19th-21st centuries)
"Mapping Conservative Factions on Europe: Towards a Genealogy of Brexiters".
Agnès Alexandre-Collier is Professor of British Civilisation and Politics at the University of Burgundy (Dijon, France). She is a former student of Sciences Po Paris and St Antony’s College, Oxford, and she was a visiting CNRS researcher at the Maison Française d’Oxford in 2018-2020.
Her main research interests are in French and British centre-right political parties with a special focus on the organisational impact of European integration and more extensively, party organisational changes.
In the last 4 years she has been looked at party organisational reforms in a different way, by trying to assess if and how they can respond to the rise of populism which originated from the 2008 crisis and resulted in the growing popularity of anti-immigration, anti-EU and anti-political establishment movements and rhetoric. Her aim is to reconcile a contextualised approach to this populist phenomenon with the broader research agenda of party change.
She is the author of several articles and books including: Les habits neufs de David Cameron. Les conservateurs britanniques (1990-2010), Presses de Sciences Po, 2010; Les partis politiques en Grande-Bretagne, with Emmanuelle Avril, Paris Armand Colin, 2013; Leadership and Uncertainty Management in Politics, Leaders, Followers and Constraints in Western Democracies, edited with François Vergniolle de Chantal, Palgrave, 2015 and Politics Reinvented. When innovations reshape representative democracy, avec Alexandra Goujon & Guillaume Gourgues, Routledge, 2020.
Her most recent paper was « David Cameron, Boris Johnson and the ‘populist hypothesis’ in the British Conservative Party”, published in Comparative European Politics (2022)